our lady of sorrows



Jun 17th, 2024, 01:29:05

our lady of sorrows - PicGenie

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Certainly! Here’s a detailed prompt for generating an image of the Stabat Mater using AI:

"Create an emotional and detailed image depicting the Stabat Mater scene. The Virgin Mary is shown standing sorrowfully at the foot of the cross, where Jesus is crucified. Mary is dressed in a deep blue cloak with a white veil, her face reflecting profound grief and pain, with tears visible in her eyes. Her hands are clasped together in prayer or gently reaching towards her son. Jesus hangs on the cross above her, his body showing signs of suffering and sacrifice. The sky above is dark and stormy, adding to the somber atmosphere, but a soft, ethereal light illuminates Mary and Jesus, symbolizing hope and divinity. In the background, faint silhouettes of mourning figures and a few distant crosses can be seen, enhancing the scene's emotional depth. The overall mood should convey deep sorrow, compassion, and reverence."